I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock.
- Shut that fucking sound off!
I shut it off as quickly as I could. He was drunk, again. I stood up on my weak legs and pulled one of my t-shirts over my head and ran into my baby sister’s room.
- Good morning Lucy, come one we gotta get up.
I took her up from her bed and carried her to the closet even though she was still half asleep, she was only 3 years old. I was the one that took care of her these days, and I have been the past year. He doesn’t care anymore, our dad. It’s scary how much someone can change in 18 months.
I walked in to my room again and sat Lucy down on my bed, put her clothes next to her and put on some clothes of my own. Put my hair up in a lose bun. I put some make up on and covered the worst scars and wounds.
- Come one Lucy.
I took her hand and we walked down stairs, I checked the fridge but, as always, there was nothing there.
- Come on, I’ll buy something on the way to day care, okay?
She nodded, still very tired. I took her up, took my bag and when I heard him coming from the stairs I quickly walked out with Lucy in my arms. We walked to one of the coffee shops. I ordered a sandwich and some juice for Lucy, but only a cup of tea for me, didn’t have the money for anything more.
About an hour later I had dropped Lucy of at day care and I was standing in the hall of my school.
- Nathalie!
I turned around and saw Louis coming from further down the hall. He walked up to me and gave me a hug. His arm was right on the wound on my back and I had to really push the pain the furthest down in my head, not to scream.
- Hi.
I forced a smile to enter my lips and he started talking about something I didn’t really focus on, all I could focus on was not to scream because of all the pain I had, everywhere.
- So are you coming?
- What?
We stopped right before we entered the math class room.
- To Zayn’s pool party? This weekend?
- Oh, I don’t know, I’ll text you later about it, okay?
- Yeah, Sure. So is game night still on tonight?
- Of course!
He hit me playfully on my arm and we stepped into the classroom. Me and Lou have been friends since forever. It was nice having someone who cared for you, even though he had no idea of what was really going on.
omg, så bra den verkar och det tror jag den kommer fortsätta vara:)
Börjar ju asbra och kan bara hålla med Emma jag tror den kommer fortsätta att vara det :) roligt att det är på engelska för det är lite annorlunda :) kommer nästa del snart?