- For Italy?
- What? Are serious?
- Yes!
- But I have nothing with me? Niall I don’t even have my passport!
- Babe, I will buy you clothes and whatever you need when we get there and as for your passport it is in your bag.
- No it isn’t.
He put his hand down in my backpack and pulled out my passport.
- You’re incredible. Let’s go to Italy then, shall we?
- Yes we shall.
- And by the way I’m paying for the clothes.
- No you’re not yes I am.
- Nope.
- Come on!
- No.
We decided to meet half way and I’d let him pay for some stuff.
After a few hours on the plane we stepped out in the warm Italy, Venice.
- This is amazing!
I turned around and wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips on his.
- Have you paid the paparazzi’s not to be here or what?
- I’m not that famous, and no, it’s because no one know we were going here.
The first thing we did was to go to the hotel and that was not a low class hotel. After that we went shopping because I was dying in my jeans and knitted shirt.
I bought a pair of shorts and a tank top and so we started sightseeing, which wasn’t much of sightseeing, more talking and kissing and walking around. We ended up going on one of them Gondala rides through the Canals as the sun was going down behind the houses.
- I love you.
- I love you too Niall.
We small talked a bit and Niall hummed one thing gently in my ear and I must have fallen asleep not to long after that because I can’t remember much more.
- Baby, come on, we have to go, you need to wake up.
I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Niall who looked down at me.
- Oh, sorry.
Niall stood up and reached his hand out for me and took it and stood up on a pair of unsteady legs.
- Attraverso!
Which meant thank you in Italian and it was probably the only word I knew.
It had gotten dark by now and it was so peaceful outside. We walked along the streets and I wouldn’t mind if our hotel would have been 10 min away or 10 hours, because everything, in that moment was perfect.
Vet inte varför texten inte kom upp tidigare men hoppas ni ser den nu iallafall! Bytte 2 av bilderna också.. Kommentera gärna om ni ser texten, haha och sen vad ni tycker och tänker om det, PUSS
Hej, det finns inget kapitel bara bilder!:/