Me, Niall and Harry ran down when we heard Louis scream.

-          What’s going on? What happened to Nathalie.

-          We don’t know.

Zayn said with panic in his eyes, not that usual smile he had gotten while he looked at Nathalie lately.

-          We need to the hospital, fast!

Louis’ grip around Nathalie got even harder when he took her up bridal style and carried her to the car. He laid her down in the back and laid her head in his lap.

-          Liam you are driving!

I sat myself in front of the wheel and Niall joined on the passenger seat while Zayn and Harry took Zayn’s car. We got to the hospital and Louis ran away with Nathalie and we all sat down in the waiting room. Louis soon came and joined us, I had never seen him like this. He tears falling down from his face and he looked pale and just down.

-          The doctor said that there wasn’t enough room in the waiting room for us so we need to go home and come back in the morning but he would phone me when he knew something or something happened.

All five of us sat down in the cars again and Louis just sat there starring out of the window.

-          Lou? Lou? LOUIS!?

-          Hmm, yeah?

He didn’t even turn to look at me and I don’t think he was really listening either.

-          Are you okay?

-          Yeah, no, I’m fine.

-          You said no.

-          Well, how am I supposed to be fine when my girlfriend is at the hospital for some reason I don’t even know. What if she dies in there tonight, Liam!

-          She won’t, I promise.

Neither I, Niall or Louis said much more for the rest of the car ride and when we got back to Louis’ house we all went straight to bed except for Louis.


When we came back to the house I did not feel anything. All the lads went to bed but I couldn’t sleep not knowing how she was. I went to the bathroom and saw my hair everywhere possible, red eyes and a pale man. I took off all my clothes and I was just about to step into the shower when I stepped on something.

I looked down to see a white stick lying on the floor.

-          What the?

I took it up and there was a small little red plus on it.

-          Oh my god.

I ran out of the shower and up to my room where I needed to keep quiet so I didn’t wake up any of the lads. I pulled on a new pair of chinos and a hoodie and ran out for the car. I stepped the foot on the gas and I was at the hospital in less than 15 min. I ran straight into Nathalie’s room and it stood about 4 nurses and a doctor around her. She had a tube coming out of her mouth and one from her arm.

-          Excuse me but you are not allowed in here right now.

-          But she is my girlfriend, she is carrying my child!

-          Okay but you need to sit and wait till we are done Mr.

I stopped fighting it and sat down on one of the couches in the waiting room which was filled with people who was crying, bleeding and so on.

I called Nathalie’s nan while sitting there, she sat herself and Lucy in the car as soon as she heard what was going on, it would take her at least a few hours to get her but I know she’d do anything for Nathalie and Lucy just like me. 


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