sparks of inspiration.Here's a toast to being close.One Direction

-         You know who I am.

-         What do you want?

I whispered carefully to the phone so Louis wouldn’t wake up.

-         You know what.

I walked into the bathroom, closed the door and sat with my back against it.

-         Well you can’t do anything because you don’t know where I am.

-         No but I know where Lucy is.

I almost dropped my phone when I heard him pronouncing her name with alcohol in his system.

-         You wouldn’t dare to touch her.

But I knew deep down that he would. I held back the tears. I shut the phone off and threw it on the wall.

I stood up and slowly walked out to Lou again.

-         Babe is everything alright?

-         Yes, go back to bed I’m coming soon just gonna get a glass of water.

2 seconds later he was fast asleep and I pulled on my jeans a top and Louis’ hoodie and a pair of shoes. I took a good sniff on the hoodie and it smelled so nice my belly got butterflies.

I took my passport and Louis card.

-         I’m so, so, so sorry.

The tears streamed down my face as I kissed him lightly on his cheek then turned around and walked out to the streets of Paris.

I got a taxi and he drove me to the airport. I ran in to the airport, bought a ticket and continued towards security check and then boarded the plane.

No matter what happened, he is not going to touch Lucy.

2 hours later I was in a cab on my way out to the country side.

I threw the door open even though it was just 5 am in the morning.

-         Granny!? Lucy!?

At first no one answered but the second time I shouted granny came out of her bedroom and Lucy was fast asleep in her bed.

-         What is going on Nathalie?

-         He is after me and, and I’m scared.

The tears just kept coming and I did nothing to stop them.

-         He knows, where Lucy was and, and I left Lou and I’m scared.

She pulled me into a hug and we sat there and I felt my eyes getting sore and my eye lids got heavy and I soon fell asleep.

*Louis Point Of View*

I woke up and the sun was shining in on my face from the big window in our room, mine and Nathalie’s. Only us two, in Paris. It was simply perfect.

I put out my arm next to me but I didn’t feel Nathalie. Was she already up?

I got up and I just put on a pair of pants.

-         Nathalie? Babe?

I looked through the bathroom, our bedroom, the kitchen and then the bathroom again. I called her phone but then I found it broken on the bathroom floor. I felt the sweat in my forehead, what if something bad happened? What if it is her dad? The panic got over my head and I felt the tears burning.

Postat av: theperfectskyistorn - novellblogg

SV: Ja, visst! Jag lägger till din blogg i länkar direkt :)

2012-05-24 @ 07:14:17
Postat av: Sanna :D

as bra, meeeeeeer! :D

2012-05-24 @ 16:07:38
Postat av: Evelina

Så super bra kapitel älskar dramat :)

2012-05-24 @ 16:39:39

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